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St. John's Pre- Kindergarten

St. John’s Lutheran Pre-Kindergarten offers a Christ-centered curriculum where children will learn to know God as their creator, provider, protector and friend. We offer a two-day class, which is held on Mondays and Wednesdays for four and five year olds. Pre-Kindergarten class times are 9 to 11:30 a.m.

The tuition for Pre-Kindergarten is $60.00 a month. For more information or to register, please speak to Deb Schmidt, the Pre-Kindergarten Coordinator, at 507-828-6404.


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    260 Cnty Hwy 10. Vesta, MN 56292

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    Provided to you in Memory of

    Gordon & Bernice Kolander

    Alvin & Doris Meier

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