St. John’s Ladies’ Guild was formed as the Ladies’ Evening Guild in 1984, to accommodate the women of the congregation who were unable to attend Ladies’ Aide meetings.
Meetings with Bible study are generally held monthly, September through May. Work days are held as needed.
Each September, the Guild presents Bibles to Sunday School students in the 3rd grade, or 1st grade if they attend Christian Day School.
Baptismal banners are made for each child baptized at St. John’s. Stoles are made for each confirmand. featuring the person’s name and Bible verse.
Quilts are made for high school graduates, featuring a label with the name, date of graduation, school, and their confirmation Bible verse.
The ladies also makes and maintains banners for the church.
Food and monetary donations for the Martin Luther College students are collected from Thanksgiving through the New Year.
The group also serves lunch after Thanksgiving services and sponsors special events, such as spring/fall luncheons.
New members are always welcome!